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August Sucks!!! First my once in a lifetime horse and now our beautiful boy and in between a generator and a truck required replacement. My self pity meter is at an all time high and a punching bag would be a great thing to have right now. In order to get off the whine wagon I decided to look through pictures of Shooter. It still hurts so, so much and although I smile at each one I cry too. Rosie is still looking for him and the others seem nervous whenever we leave the room. We will get through this, but that piece of our lives and hearts that was Shooter will remain missed and precious. The following poem was given to me by a friend when we lost Caddie and is called “My Grandest Foal”, but I replaced foal with dog and it still works:

I’ll lend your for a little while my grandest dog, He said, For you to love while he’s alive and mourn for when he’s dead.

It may one or twenty years, or days or months, you see. But, will you, till I take him back, take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, You’ll have treasured memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return. But, there are lessons taught on earth I want this dog to learn.

I’ve looked the wide world over in my search for teachers true. And from the throngs that crowd life’s lanes, with trust, I have selected you.

Now will you give him your total love? Nor think the labor vain, nor hate Me when I come to take him back again?

I know you’ll give him tenderness and love will bloom each day. And for the happiness you’ve known forever grateful stay.

But should I come and call for him much sooner than you’d planned, you’ll brave the bitter grief that comes and someday you’ll understand.

For though I’ll call him home to Me this promise to you I do make, for all the love and care you gave he’ll wait for you inside Heaven’s Gate.

Sweet and peaceful

Sweet and peaceful

With his best buddy, Cutter

With his best buddy, Cutter


He loved to be up high

He loved to be up high


The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers


Our beautiful boy

Our beautiful boy


With Dad

With Dad


With Mom

With Mom


Cutter, CC & Shooter are together again

Cutter, CC & Shooter are together again


Your light remains burning bright in our hearts. Love you Shooter!

Your light remains burning bright in our hearts. Love you Shooter!









11 Responses to “A Life Well Lived (& Loved)”

  1. Karma says:

    Shooter was beautiful and you gave him a great life. Hang in there.

  2. Dakota Dawg says:

    A life well lived, full of love and family and fun. We really can’t ask for any more than that. Still, it’s too short. Too sudden.

    In the midst of all the unfairness, I wish you peace and comfort and more smiles than tears as you remember your beautiful boy. You’re a part of this family now; we all care very much.


  3. benny55 says:

    Oh my dear sweet Luanne,

    That was a beautidul sentiment you took time to share with us. Thank you for that. And Shooter will be waiting for you to rejoin him.

    The first think he wil say…..right after all the “I love you” sloppy kisses……is this, “Mom, I had the best time ever while I was on earth with you! I learned so much about love! I learned so much about fun! I learned so much about how to be happy just chewing on your flip flops! I learned how to sit on you, while my butt was on the table and my feet were on the back of the chair…and posing for the camera the whole time!! Mom! No dogs over here knew how to do that!! I had to teach tnem all!”

    “Oh, and mom, the reason Caddie had to come here first was to help make the fields green here with her horse manure! Yeah, it’s true! Caddie said when she got here, all the fields were in bad shape and there was no good place for dogs and horses to run together! When got here the fields were green and lush and I went running all over the place!! I got my leg back too! How great is that?”

    Yes, Shooter’s light will shine brightly forever. His light k ows no beginni g or end, Shooter’s light is infinite and will never, ever be dimmed!

    I need you to promise Shooter you’ll do this. If it’s ight ow while you are reading this…..or whenever night comes………fo out and look up into the night sky. There will be one special star that will catch your attention instantly! The sparkle and twi kle will be brighter than otheres. Yeah, that’s Shooter letting you know ne’s okay. Letti g you k ow he’s watching over you. Letting you know he now k ows wat a well lived and well loved life feels like.

    We love you Luanne! We love you Shooter’s dad! We love you Rosie!
    And we love you Shooter and will NEVER, EVER forget you! You will always be alive in our hearts.

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. Christine says:

    Thanks Luanne… that was absolutely beautiful…
    I guess paybacks huh? Now you made me cry!! I’m going to have to start keeping a box of tissue by the computer again..
    Smiling while crying is a great thing… I’m still smiling about Franklin.. have the occassional crys but more smiles…
    what great pictures.. what beautiful and handsome furbabies!!
    what beautiful memories!!!
    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart ♥

  5. fetchon3 says:

    We miss you Shooter. You left us far too early, too soon. I know it hurts. Let it. Bask in his memories. Cry and smile at each one. Sending you HUGS.
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  6. jerry says:

    The love you have for each other shines through in these adorable photos. What a lucky pack! It will take time to adapt but try to remember that Shooter’s spirit is always among you. Listen and watch closely, he’s always around.

    Your boy was and always will be special to us too. What a sweetie.

    P.S. We are honored that you have his bandanna on his memorial candle, that is just beautiful.


  7. Michelle says:

    Thank you for sharing. I am crying too. I know exactly what you mean about looking through pictures smiling & crying at the same time. These are great pictures. Thank you for sharing them and sharing your Shooter with us. He will be missed.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  8. snoop says:

    What a beautiful tribute. He was a beautiful boy, loved dearly by his family. He will always be in your heart and in your memories.

    Esther and Snoop

  9. trio says:

    Shooter is beautiful and it is apparent he was loved and lived a long life. Our heart aches for you as we know the pain. Keeping you in our thoughts,

    Kelley and Trio

  10. rica55 says:

    Oh these are such wonderful, beautiful pictures. Shooter was such a special dog and a true fighter. I am once again so sorry for your loss and sending you lots of warm hugs from NYC.

    All my love,

  11. atlasmom says:

    When I saw this all I could think was please not Shooter. Luanne, I’m so sad for you, so sorry for your loss. I remember when I first came to this site, you were one of the first to help talk me off the ledge. You and Shooter have been so helpful to so many, thank you for being here.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Godspeed Shooter.

    Patricia & Mighty Atlas

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