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Today would have been Shooter’s 9th ampuversary, but fate had other plans and his journey ended earlier rather than later. We’ve become used to our new normal and the odds are less that we will call one of the other kids Shooter or actually call him as part of the regular “come’on” routine. My one horse is named Stroker and he still occasionally gets called Shooter as their names were often mixed up (kind of a “sounds like” thing). We are definitely getting better sleep as we no longer sleep with one eye open. No fights for the front seat space that belonged to Shooter – in fact when we took our first trip without him, no one offered to move to that spot and still haven’t. Must be out of respect. Rosie has lost her worried look and is going on with life. One of my favorite parts of coming to is when I get the surprise of Shooter’s picture coming up. Although there is still a feeling of sadness, it makes me smile instead of cry.

There are still the occasional tears and I think I’ve reached a bit of the anger stage. Maybe it’s because two people very close to me are fighting the crappy stuff and it is relentless. I also work with someone who lost their husband to cancer and she was my strongest support during this time. She has never made me feel like the grief I felt losing Shooter was any less than her’s was losing her husband and she understands that the fight against cancer in animals in no less important than the one for human beings. Hopefully studies in one will find a cure for the other.

From the link on the site I made Blurb book about Shooter for my husband’s Christmas present which will make a few tears flow that day. It is beautiful quality and was rather cathartic to make.

I have a poem that I wanted to share, but it is quite long and I have gotten a little long winded so I will save it for next month. Something to keep you all in anticipation!!

Last, but not least, I knew I couldn’t post something on the blog without including a picture for Sally :-). Here is Shooter’s little brother (Big Papi – GO RED SOX) with his favorite toy Lamb Chops (I know you older sorts remember Lamb Chops!).  Hugs to all of you and know that as time goes by the memories grow fonder and easier to think of.

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

4 Responses to “Thoughts”

  1. Michelle says:

    Happy Ampuversary Shooter. I still talk about Sassy’s too. I know Luanne its hard and I thought about adding some thing to Snickers name in memory of Sassy but I don’t know. Never long winded we love the memories. And thanks for sharing the picture 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. Karma says:

    I know what you mean Luanne. My pet sitter said he thinks Aissa actually has been more relaxed and playful now that Brendol is gone, because now she isn’t as worried about her big sister. I also did a book for Brendol, but I used a different company. It is a great way to remember them.
    Hugs from us,
    Karma and the crew (and our angel Brendol)

  3. benny55 says:

    Sorry I missed this earlier! These darn blogs go up and down so fast sometimes!

    You express yourself so beautifully and every word is so heartfelt. I have to “laugh” about the “name calling” thing. I’m always including the names of some of my loved ones who have crossed over when I’m calling everyone for …shhhhhh…….supper (I had to whisper it so you kow who wouldn’t think she could get fed AGAIN!), or to go outside, or to bed…and, in some cases, this is years later!! Just validates to me they are still here on some level we can’t really comprehend in our “logical” mind. But our hearts sure get it!

    I’m sorry to hear about your friends challenge with this stupid hateful disease. Ad your friend who lost her husband and yet was so helpful to you…please thank her for me for being there for you. She understands what love is……very special lady. But she sees the loving light in you and knows what a special soul you are

    Big Papi! What can I say! It just doesn’t get any cuter than you with Lamb Chops! Heck! I remember Lamb Chops’ grandparents!! That photo is a smile maker! Thank you!

    Luanne, we’re Team Shooter! Always have been! Always will be! Thank yo for staying on the site and keeping Shooter’s inspirational life affirming legacy here withus. I don’t know now to explain it, but it’s “reassuring” when you..and the others whose loved ones have crossed over…stay connected and continue to help all of us.
    It really does add an exclamation point to the sentiment that Shooter will NEVER be forgotten and he truly is with us FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Surrouding you with love and Shooter’s eternal light and grace!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. jerry says:

    Every time I see Shooter’s sweet face in the Tripawds banner, I smile too. He wasn’t here nearly long enough, and for that I’m so very sorry.

    Thank you for the thoughtful update and sharing where life has taken you these days. It’s always good for people to read that you can get back to a sense of normalcy after suffering such great loss, even if there will always be an empty space in your heart. I’m sorry to hear that cancer is still in your universe these days, it’s just relentless. Ugh.

    And a super big thanks for ordering a Blurb book. They are definitely great quality aren’t they? We sure love ’em.

    Many, many hugs to you and the pack. We’re so glad you’re here.

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