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Hard to believe, but today is my 4 month ampuversary! It’s been a bit of a bumpy road this month, but I’m feeling pretty good so far and still loving being with my family.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t have much of a celebration as today was my first dose of lomustine. Not quite the cake and ice cream I imagined! My Mom said she felt like the Evil Queen giving Snow the poison apple every time she handed me those chunks of Velveeta with the surprise in the middle. So far at 8 hours out I’ve had no noticeable side effects and I certainly hope I don’t. Throwing up is just not my favorite past time!

We had a great time for the 3-day weekend. I love staying in my horse trailer house. I get to look out the screen door and watch everything going on and there are all kinds of great smells with all the cows and horses around. I’m including a picture from the weekend. I’ve discovered that Mom’s flip flops make great pillows/security blankets!

Hoppy Day Everyone – talk at you soon!

Only the most sparkly flip flop will do for this dog!

Only the most sparkly flip flop will do for this dog!

2 Responses to “I’ve reached mile marker 4”

  1. benny55 says:

    Awwww Shooter, how could you be ANY cuter? The flip flops really compliment your great legs!!

    Whatever you do, do NOT eat the shoes——they will make you puke and your mom will surely blame herself thinking it was the meds. she gave you!

    Co gratulations on four month ampuversary kiddo!! Velveeta cheese will have to do til you get your ice cream and cake!! Just because you had to take a stupid old pill doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have junk food! What’s up with that mom? Besides, how can you look at that picture and not give Shooter anything and everything that cutie pie wants:-) 🙂

    I’ve got some flip flops in the mail to you Shooter!!

    Lots of love to ya’. Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Christine says:

    Happy Ampuversary!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEE!!
    I’m crossing my fingers for you that all will go well with that lil’ ol pill…

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