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Today was Shooter’s two week ampuversary. The best part? Time for the staples to come out! Our local vet who has taken over the after care said things looked pretty good, but a portion of the incision had folded in on itself and was not healing correctly. She had to pull it apart, clean it up and then put two set staples in to hold it flat. He will go back on Thursday for a follow up. I think it’s safe to say that I am not happy with the quality of work done and I don’t think my vet is either. Shooter was so happy when he got home that he started rubbing his side all over the couch and lightly digging his head in the dog bed.

Shooter’s voice is beginning to return as he complained to me about having to be in the yard while I fed horses. It was still in an inside voice, but at least he’s returning to normal. He also had a few quiet things to say to Dad when he got home.

The other great thing about today is that the new Perfect Fit Harness arrived today. It was super easy to fit and oh so nice to put on and take off. After the final staples are out we’ll start practicing walking with it. We started taking small walks this weekend and will increase the distance when it feels right.

Overall, I feel very, very lucky at how well Shooter’s recovery is going, not counting the incision issues:-(. He has adapted well without any extreme pain or discomfort and is just glad to be with us. As Dad say, let’s hope we can face adversity as well as Shooter has.

Here I am in my new Perfect Fit Harness!

Here I am in my new Perfect Fit Harness!

2 Responses to “Two weeks and rolling forward”

  1. fetchon3 says:

    Hoppy 2 week, buddy! Horay! You ARE looking great and I’m glad to hear your voice is coming back. The 2 week mark is so magical. Rub yourself silly and start telling mom and dad what’s on your mind. Soon you’ll be playing with your toys and chasing your tail around the house. Keep it up!

  2. wyattraydawg says:

    Hi Shooter! Congratulations on that big big ampuversary!!! I’m sorry you had stitches problems but that’s only temporary. Pretty soon you’ll be running with the horses too.

    You look FABULOUS in that Perfect Fit Harness! What a great product.

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