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Dear Shooter

Dear Shooter-

(aka Shooter Bug, Shooter-Rooter-Roo, Bugaboo, Boo-Boo)


Wow – has it really been a year? Some things have changed and some things remain the same. It’s still just three mini pups now – the perfect match just has not come along and that’s OK. Rosie, Frosty and Papi are happy with each other, but maybe someday they’ll get a new brother or sister. No new horse yet either as Caddie’s space is like yours and will require just the right candidate to fit in.


Just so you know – you are still missed so very much. Frosty has been called Shooter quite a bit the last couple of weeks so I have a feeling you’ve been checking in on us. Your Aunt Sandi will be visiting this week – her first visit since you’ve been gone and I’m sure you will miss getting to visit with her. Also the Boston Aunts will be here soon and I know they will notice how so many things are missing with you gone.


On a positive note – remembering you is one of my favorite things to do and all the memories are happy. As time goes by, we talk about you in happier voices and though I hope never to have to go though that again – your cancer journey taught us so much and allowed me to meet other very special tripawds and their parents along the way. Maybe a special tripawd is in the future for us since we know how perfect they are.


I want others to know that even though you’re never forgotten, the heartache and pain ease and the memories become special parts of our life that make us smile. Although we all have a different timeline and approach it in a different manner, it does get better and we all survive, but the scars from this loss are different from others that have gone before you. Maybe due to the fact that we had to fight the fight which makes the loss harder, but make that particular fur-baby just a bit more special than all others.


I hope you are having fun over the Bridge and I know you have made so many friends with those that have joined you since last year (I’m pretty sure Happy Hannah got you all wound up!!). Say “Hi” to Rover, Cowboy, Zeke, Marty, Cutter and CC. We miss every one of you.


These pictures were taken almost exactly a year before his surgery.

The Dance

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared ‘neath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you’d ever say goodbye

And now I’m glad I didn’t know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I’d have had to miss the dance

Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn’t I a king
But if I’d only known how the king would fall
Hey who’s to say you know I might have changed it all

And now I’m glad I didn’t know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I’d have had to miss the dance

Love – Mom & Dad

5 Responses to “Dear Shooter”

  1. Michelle says:

    Beautiful tribute to Shooter. I love the song the Dance. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. I love all the pictures. Shooter was so handsome. I know this Angelversary was one of the biggest. They are all looking down on us

    Michelle & Angel Sassy.

  2. 4myty says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful! Love that song!!!!! Lori and Ty

  3. mom2shelby says:

    Oh so beautiful! What a lovely letter!!! I am sure Shooter is having a blast (and I am sure Shelby is right up in his face)!

    The dance is a perfect song and so, so true… Spot on!
    Much love and hugs,
    Alison with the Spirit of Shelby fur-ever in her heart and little Jasper too

  4. benny55 says:

    Luanne! LUANNE!!!! Shooter could not be more pleased. with this eloquently written tribute!!!

    And the following…………..beautifully expressed and so true!

    I want others to know that even though you’re never forgotten, the heartache and pain ease and the memories become special parts of our life that make us smile. Although we all have a different timeline and approach it in a different manner, it does get better and we all survive, but the scars from this loss are different from others that have gone before you. Maybe due to the fact that we had to fight the fight which makes the loss harder, but make that particular fur-baby just a bit more special than all others.

    And the “Dance”….oh sweet Luanne…you have really made this tribute one that empowers and inspires…and that is such an important part of Shooter’s path.

    I kee l scrolling back up to look at Shooter-Rooter-Roo’s pictures….he really is very. Very handsome! I’ve always thought of him as cute…but these pictures show an exceedingly handsome man who melts hearts everywhere!!

    So he’s twelve, twelve and a half in these photos? Doesn’t look a day over three!!! Shooter will inspire seniors facing this journey for an eternity!

    Luanne, every word of this celebration tribute was so thouhghtful and so heart felt. You really, really did a stellar job.

    And I DO believe Happy Hannah and Shooter felt the familiarity of family when they reunited at the bridge….they…and we…were certainly familyfrom our very first posts to each other..and nothing has changed in that regard!

    Thank you so much for sharing this exquisitely written chronicle and joyous and vibrant pictures of our Shooter!

    And Shooter, Caddie, Xutter, CC, Cowboy, Zeke, Marty and Rover are all at the horse trough full of ice cream at the bridge slobbering all over the place!

    Love and Hugs

    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  5. bartsmom says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. What a beautiful soul Shooter is and remains to be.
    These dogs and these experiences really do change us…for the better.

    Love to you all,

    Darcy & Bart

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