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Hi everyone! Shooter here today and just wanted to let everyone know how excited I was today because my new Tripawds Rule scarf came in the mail Here I am sporting the latest in dog fashion accessories.

I'm sexy and I know it!

I’m sexy and I know it!

Mom says I should talk about some of the crazy things I do. I tell her they are not crazy, just the real me coming out!

Since my surgery Mom calls me a velcro dog. Whenever she goes into a different room I follow her Doesn’t she know that if I don’t keep an eye on her she could possibly disappear and never come back. It’s just a precaution.

She also says I have become pretty talented. Back when I was a quad pawd I would always scratch the ground the ground quite violently after pooping. Well, I’ve figured out I can still do that. I just had to figure out that I could hop up and scratch at the same time on my front foot and then do both back feet. It is necessary to do this repetively for at least 30 seconds. If anyone needs lessons, just call!

A week from now will be my first social outing since surgery. I am so happy I get to take a road trip and not go to the vet or get stuck with a needle. I will get to see all by barrel racing buddies who give me lots of pets and scratches and I get to sleep in my horse trailer bed where I am king.

Thanks for listening and I’m glad I got to talk about fun stuff this time!!

4 Responses to “It’s Fashion Week for Tripawds too!”

  1. fourminipups says:

    I have to figure out how to fix the picture, but have to finish dinner. Any ideas?

  2. admin says:

    We fixed it for you, and activated a plugin that will auto-resize huge image files upon upload. Read Jerry’s tips for optimizing web photos or post in the tech support forum for more help. See our Media Library tutorial videos for additional help.

  3. jerry says:

    Shooter you lucky pup! What life! You get to go to barrel races? Wow! Cool!

    I think you look pretty sharp in that bandanna mister. All the cool kids are wearin’ ’em.

  4. fourminipups says:

    Thanks for the help!

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